EOS Topical Meetings at Capri

Anacapri, Island of Capri, Italy
10 September 2017 - 14 September 2017
Submission Timeframe: 
10 April 2017 - 5 July 2017

7th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (OµS’17) 
3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Optics at the Nanoscale (ONS’17) 
Venue: CNR Conference Center - Capri

Conference Final Program

7th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (OµS’17)

Takes place at:
Conference Centre of the Consiglio Nazionale
delle Richerche (former Royal Swedish Academy Solar Observatory)
Via Ceselle, Anacapri (Na), Italy

OµS’17 is the 7th edition of the international conference wholly dedicated to optical microsystems organized by the European Optical Society (EOS) and the Italian Society of Optics and Photonics (SIOF), Italian Branch of the EOS.
Optical microsystems are now able to perform complex sensing and actuation functions, taking advantage of the progress in micro- and nano-technologies to integrate in a smart way optical devices with electronic, mechanical and sensing components. The increasing interest in this field arises from the perspective applications that would significantly improve the quality of life. The list of possibilities offered by these enabling technologies is long and seems to increase day by day. Optical microsystems are finding applications not only in ICT, but also in biotechnologies, medicine, food and environmental monitoring, aerospace and automotive, homeland security, etc.  The conference programme will focus on fundamental as well as more applied topics. Biosensors, biochips and lab-on-chip, microfluidic and optofluidic systems, non-linear and quantum optical devices, silicon-based optoelectronics and MOEMS, chemical and physical optical microsensors,  new characterization methods for materials and devices, novel imaging techniques, biomimetic devices and systems are among the hot topics of the conference.


  • Optical microsensors & microsystems
  • Biophotonics, biosensors & biochips
  • Microfluidics & optofluidics
  • Bio-inspired optical technologies, optical biomimetic devices & systems
  • Optical microscopy, imaging & characterization methods
  • Optical materials for hybrid & monolithic integration
  • Microoptics & optical devices based on novel concepts
  • Non-linear optical devices and technologies
  • Photonic quantum devices and systems
  • Organic optical devices, sources & lasers
  • Silicon photonics
  • Terahertz devices & systems
  • Applications of optical devices & systems
  • Aerospace photonics

General Chairs

  • Ivo Rendina, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT)
  • Eugenio Fazio, Sapienza Università di Roma (IT)
  • Pietro Ferraro, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT)

Technical Committee

  • Dario Ambrosini (Università dell'Aquila)
  • Mario Bertolotti, Sapienza Università di Roma (IT)
  • Stefano Cabrini, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. / Ca (US)
  • Stefania Campopiano, Università Parthenope di Napoli (IT)
  • Mathieu Chauvet, Université de Franche-Comté  / Besançon (FR)
  • Giberto Chirico, Università Milano Bicocca(IT)
  • Giuseppe Cocorullo, Università della Calabria (IT)
  • Richard De La Rue, University of Glasgow (GB)
  • Bahram Jalali, UCLA / Ca (US)
  • Bahram Javidi, University of Connecticut (US)
  • Francesco Prudenzano, SIOF President (IT)
  • Graham Reed, University of Southampton (GB)
  • Roberto Rella, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT), Vice-President SIOF
  • Ali Serpenguezel, Koç University (TR)
  • Jing Hua Teng, A-Star /Singapore (SGP)
  • Raffaele Velotta, Università Federico II di Napoli (IT)
  • Tetsuzo Yoshimura, Tokio University of Technology (JP)
  • NiKolay I. Zheludev, University of Southampton (UK), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)

Plenary Speakers (preliminary list):

  • Nikolay I. Zheludev, Optoelectronics Research Centre - University of Southampton (UK), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
  • Jiří Homola, Institute of Photonics and Electronics - The Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)

Plenary sessions take place at:
Sala Ipogea del Comune di Anacapri
Piazza Edwin Cerio
Anacapri (Na), Italy

Invited Speakers OMS (preliminary list):

  • Moser Christophe, EPFL, CH 
  • Guoan Zheng, Univ. of Connecticut, USA
  • Santhosh Chidangil - Centre for Biophotonics -Department of  Atomic and Molecular Physics - Manipal University, Manipal, India
  • Alberto Diaspro, IIT, Italy 
  • Roberto Osellame,  IFN CNR, Italy
  • Bjorn Kemper,  University of Muenster, Germany
  • Pietro Siciliano, IMM CNR, Italy
  • Graham T Reed, Univ. of Southampton, UK
  • Roberto Pini, IFAC CNR, Italy
  • Giuseppe Chirico,  Univ. Milano Bicocca, Italy
  • Alberto Politi, University of Southampton, UK
  • Chao Zuo, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
  • Andrea Cusano, Univ. Sannio, Italy
  • Anna Chiara De Luca, IBP CNR, Italy


Special Sessions:

Optical Biosensing and biochips
A special parallel session focused on the last achievements in the field of optical biosensing devices and biochips for applications in healthcare (point-of-care; microarrays) and environmental (disposable/online sensors) monitoring will be chaired by Luca De Stefano, in collaboration with the SIOF Working Group on Optical Biosensors and Biophotonics (http://www.siof-ottica.it/it/biosensori-ottici-e-fotonica).

Flexible Photonics
The special session is aimed at presenting and discussing new ideas in the emerging field of flexible photonic systems for board-to-board optical interconnects, epidermal sensors, wearable photonics, flexible displays (Chair: Giuseppe Coppola, CNR, Italy).


3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Optics at the Nanoscale (ONS’17)

New properties in nanoscale structures can be dramatically tuned with size and shape of the nanostructures. Completely different optical behaviors are produced compared to the bulk counterparts, such as narrow line widths for emission, solar energy conversion, etc.
Indeed materials and applications require strong effort to develop spectroscopy and microscopy tools allowing visualization and manipulation of optical properties with nanoscale resolution.
Optics at Nanoscale is a Topical Meeting that covers a spectrum from applied to basic research of this domain providing a forum for all the aspects with the purpose of advancing the state-of-the-art of nanoscale optics.


  • Imaging: functional imaging, methods, enhanced resolution

  • Materials: metamaterials, photonics crystals, plasmonics, nano-engineered materials, graphene, nonlinearities

  • Concepts & functions: optical magnetism, optical mimetism

  • Quantum optics at the nanoscale: sources, detectors


Invited Speakers ONS (preliminary list):

  • Teemu Hakkarainen, Tampere Univ. of Technology, Finland
  • Jose  Ordonez , CNRS , Paris, France
  • Mauro Antezza, Univ. Montpellier, France
  • Tiziana Cesca, Univ. Padova, Italy
  • Francesco Banfi , Univ. Cattolica Brescia, Italy
  • Adriana Passaseo , CNR Nanotec, Italy
  • Fabio Antonio  Bovino,  Leonardo & Sapienza, Italy
  • Dorota Pawlak, ITME, Poland
  • Luca Dal Negro, Boston University, USA
  • Adam Schwartzberg, Berkeley Labs, USA

Special Session: COST action MP1403 Nanoscale Quantum Optics Work Group 2 Meeting

The COST action MP1403 on Nanoscale Quantum Optics serves as European platform to enhance networking and research collaboration in the rapidly evolving field of quantum nanooptics that has substantial overlap with the topics covered in the UNO workshop series. The second half of the 3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Optics at the Nanoscale (ONS’17) will host the work group meeting on Nonlinearities and Ultrafast Processes in Nanostructured Media (WG2).
Work Group 2 discussion will take place at the end of the afternoon session of the 13th, in the same session room.


Topics of WG2 meeting

  • Coherent Control on the nanoscale
  • Nanoscale nonlinear response
  • Energy harvesting and energy transfer
  • Coherent spectroscopy
  • Active nanophotonics
  • Nanoscale transport

General Chairs

  • Didier Felbacq, University of Montpellier (FR)
  • Vito Mocella, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT)
  • Concita Sibilia, Sapienza Università di Roma (IT)

 Technical Committee

  • Mario Agio, CNR-INO (IT)
  • Guillaume Bachelier, Neel Institute Grenoble (FR)
  • Sophie Brasselet, Institut Fresnel (FR)
  • Emanuela Esposito, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT)
  • Javier García de Abajo, Institut de Ciències Fotòniques (ES)
  • Philippe Lalanne, Institut d'Optique (FR)
  • Kauranen Martti, Tampere University of Technology (FI)
  • Walter Pfeiffer, Bielefeld University (G)
  • Gennady Shvets, Univ. of Texas, Austin (US)
  • Niek  van Hulst, ICFO (ES)
  • Anatoly Zayats, King’s College (GB)

COST Speakers:

  • Javier Aizpurua, San Sebastian
  • Tönu Pullerits, Lund
  • Michele Celebrano, Milano
  • Franck Lepine

Dates and Deadlines


Opening of submission

15 April 2017

Abstract submission deadline (extended)

5 July 2017

Notification to authors

10 July 2017

Publication of programme

15 July 2017

Opening of post-deadline submissions

24 August 2017

Closing date of post-deadline submission

31 August 2017

Early-bird registration deadline

03 September 2017

How to submit?

All abstracts must be submitted via easychair. Prepare a short abstract (“abstract” in the follow - up to 500 characters) and a long abstract (“paper” in the follow - two-page pdf files that are formatted along the guidelines given in this file).

Users with existing easychair account

To submit please click one of the links below and you will be redirected to the easychair submission system. After the login, click on "new submission" button.
Follow the instructions, step by step, and then use the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form. The required information are:

  • Author Information: First name, Last name, Email, Country and Organization For each authors are request. There must be at least one corresponding author.

  • Title and Abstract: The title and the abstract should be entered as plain text, they should not contain HTML elements. Abstract up to 500 characters

  • Keywords:  one per line, at least three keywords.

  • Topics: select a topic

  • Type of presentation: select a preference of type of presentation (oral or poster)

  • Paper: long abstracts must be submitted as two-page pdf files that are formatted along the guidelines given in this file.

  • Click on "submit" and you will receive a confirmation e-mail.

Users without existing easychair account

Click one of the links listed below and create a new easychair account. After confirmation follow what written before.

To submit please click one of the links below to be redirected to the submission system.

Publications in JEOS:RP

Authors can optionally submit a full manuscript of the accepted paper to the Journal of the European Optical Society Rapid Publications (JEOS:RP https://jeos.springeropen.com/). The paper must be an original high-quality contribution connected to the Capri meetings.
Deadline: 30 September 2017. In case of acceptance EOS members receive a special discount on the publication rate. 


Registration form

The registration includes admission to all Meetings, a copy of the Topical Meeting digest, coffee-breaks and lunches. The participation to the conference social dinner is optional (additional costs: 60 Euro).

The registration fee to the COST meeting does not include the
registration to the OMS and ONS conferences, while the registratrion to
the OMS and ONS includes the registration to the Cost meeting.

Registration fees

(excl. VAT)


(after Sept. 3, 2017)
(excl. VAT)





Members of SIOF and EOS

350 €

400 €

Members of IEEE Photonics, AEIT, SIF, OSA, AIDAA and CORIFI 

400 €

450 €

Non-members *

450 €

530 €

Student members of SIOF and EOS, IEEE Photonics, AEIT, SIF, OSA, AIDAA and CORIFI

200 €

250 €

 Student members of IEEE Photonics, AEIT, SIF, OSA, AIDAA and CORIFI

250 €

300 €

Student non-members *

300 €

360 €




COST Meeting participants (students)

225 (150) €

265 (180) €


150 €

170 €







* incl. a one-year membership in SIOF and EOS




Accomodation information can be found here.


Capri is a beautiful and picturesque island in the Gulf of Naples, in the South of Italy. Its mild climate, the numerous monuments and island highlights, and last but not least the excellent Italian cuisine and wine culture make Capri a perfect location for relaxing and enjoying the Mediterranean atmosphere. The Island of Capri has two towns: Capri and Anacapri. If the Piazzetta of Capri is the unrivalled focus of the island's glamorous social life, filled with elegant sidewalk cafes, the pretty historic centre of Anacapri located on the slopes of Mount Solaro is the exact opposite, with its peaceful piazzas and bougainvillea and geranium festooned lanes. It is a concentration of Mediterranean colours, scents, and sounds. Town life here has remained authentic despite the island's tourism: tucked between the houses there are tiny, humble vegetable gardens surrounded by lush tropical plants. A walk around the centre of Anacapri will take you past tiny Neapolitan tailor shops, artisan shoemakers, ladies sitting in the shade outside working on their knitting while exchanging gossip and news...all with the scent of the town's lemon groves that permeates the air.
The EOS Topical Meetings in Capri will be held at the Conference Centre of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, the former Royal Swedish Academy Solar Observatory, Via Ceselle, Anacapri (Na), Italy. 

How to get to Anacapri

The direct bus from Marina Grande to Anacapri departs at varying time. Here the timetable: http://www.capri.it/downloads/bus_capri_atc_orario.pdf.
You can also take the funicular railway train which departs every fifteen minutes from the port and which, in just three minutes, transports passengers to the center of Capri. From here, it is only a few meters to the bus station, from where buses depart for Anacapri approximately every 15 minutes.

How to get to CNR Conference Center

Guests traveling to Anacapri by bus should descend at the “Bar Grotta Azzurra” bus stop. It’s the 4th stop after “Piazza Vittoria”, the main bus stop in Anacapri (usually announced by the driver, who simply calls out “Anacapri”). Feel free to ask the driver to let you know when the bus gets to the Bar Grotta Azzurra stop. From here, you’ll need to walk down Via Pagliaro for about 200 meters until reaching a junction. Turn left and walk uphill for circa 50 meters.


The nearest International Airport to Capri is Naples International Airport (http://www.aeroportodinapoli.it).
From Naples International Airport to train station/port
• From the airport the best and cheapest way to get to the train station/port is the AliBus, a bus departing every 20 minutes that takes passengers to either the train station and to the port in a less than 30 minutes.
• From the port to Capri
The island of Capri can be reached by regular ferry or hydrofoil connections from Naples and other locations like Sorrento, Amalfi and Salerno. Ferries depart from Molo Beverello in Naples, a few steps away from the bus stop.
A regular bus running every fifteen minutes takes from Capri to Anacapri.  Tickets can be purchased directly from the bus driver. 
See also http://www.capritourism.com/.

Local Organizing Committee

Alessio Crescitelli, Principia Dardano, Antonella Ferrara, Silvia Romano (IMM-CNR)
Biagio Mandracchia, Francesco Merola, Melania Paturzo (ISASI-CNR)


OµS’17 - Mrs. Valentina Di Meo, IMM-CNR, Via Castellino 111, 80131 Napoli, Italy
Phone: +39-0816132488, fax: +39-0816132598
capri.oms2017@na.imm.cnr.it | www.myeos.org/events/capri2017


ONS'17 - Dr. Silvia Romano, IMM-CNR, Via Castellino 111, 80131 Napoli, Italy
Phone: +39-0816132285, fax: +39-0816132598
capri.ons2017@na.imm.cnr.it | www.myeos.org/events/capri2017 


Monica Gigliotti, Vincenzo Mosca, Vincenzo Palmieri, Domenico Passaro, Loredana Salzano
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via P. Castellino, 111
80131 Napoli, Italy
E-mail: monica.gigliotti@cnr.it
Phone: +39-0816132370
Fax: +39-0816132598

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